Sunday, May 23, 2021

Third wave of COVID-19 in India and the Black fungus.

 Third wave of COVID-19 in India:

And the Black fungus.

The nation's ability to deal with a crisis is totally dependent on the far sightedness of government and attitude of is citizens toward their responsibilities .India has weathered first phase of the battle quite well .We have ramped up our PPE kits production along with the production of mask and sanitizers and have acquired a ;leading position along the world producers .As a result these assets helped the country in second phase of COVID-19 with nearly zero shortage. But India lacked second wave just due to the poor crises management of government and irresponsible behavior of 140 crore citizens, these both legs of country has equally added fuel to the fire and added up a number of 3 lakh plus deaths.

The instantaneous rise in death tally is mostly due to the lack of oxygen, ICU beds, antiviral medicines, and proper awareness about crises in general public, the second wave is more hurting because of its increased contiguous nature of targeting youth or working section of society ,according to TOI the rate of infection of age group 30-40 year is alone 21%.Even through many challenges Huge global supports from various friendly countries including, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, USA, Russia, UK shows how effective Indian diplomacy have been last few years etc, Indian companies have proved themselves as the country savior, along with the huge donation in states, companies like Indian railways, Reliance, TATA, IN ox, SAI, and many private and public sector companies have worked day night to save India with supplying and producing oxygen in brimming capacity.  

Where India lacked in handling second wave:

1. Fabian policy of state governments in installing oxygen plant sectioned by Central government.

2.lack of coordination between state and center government.

3.Illwill of local medicos and venders in black selling of live saving drugs.

4.Poor and incompetent health infra structure even after 70 years of independence.

5. Vaccination 

Despite these challenge we are now on the way to recovery ,during second wave India reached its peak case in just 45 days on 6 may 2021 and as accepted positive count is falling down with the same speed as it roped up. GOI is working in full swing to eliminate third wave effects by early planning at district level, also approving installation  600+ liquid oxygenation plants from PM cares fund. Global orders of vaccine, increasing vaccine manufacturing capacity of India pharmacy giants etc.

Third wave:

India is progressing real quick towards with great hammer and tongs, experts predicting the possibilities of third wave ,said to be  affecting children's. In a press briefing by the Ministry of Health Affairs , officials said the long COVID-19 wave of such "ferocity" that the country was experiencing currently "was not predicted". "Phase three is inevitable given the higher levels of circulating virus, but it is not clear on what time-scale this phase three will occur. We should be prepared for new waves "Cautioned by Principal Scientific Adviser K Vijay Raghavan.

In this high and dry situation a new name is added to the list is BLACK FUNGUS. GOI of India has notified it as a epidemic. The black fungus(Mucormycosis) has wildly affecting Indian state of Gujarat ,Rajasthan, Haryana etc.

Mucormycosis is a very rare infection. It is triggered by exposure to mucor mould which is commonly found in soil, plants, manure, and decaying fruits and vegetables. "It is common and found in soil and air and even in the nose and mucus of healthy people,"

It affects the sinuses in nose, the brain and the lungs and can be life-threatening in diabetic or severely immunity compromised individuals, such as cancer patients also people with HIV/AIDS patients .

Doctors believe mucormycosis, which has an concerning overall mortality rate of 50%, may be being triggered by the use of steroids, a life-saving treatment for severe and critically ill Covid-19 patients.

Steroids reduce inflammation in the lungs for Covid-19 by suppressing immune response of the body and appear to help stop some of the damage that can happen when the body's immune system goes into overdrive to fight off coronavirus. But they also reduce immunity and push up blood sugar levels in both diabetics and non-diabetic Covid-19 patients.

It's thought that this drop in immunity of our body could be triggering these cases of mucormycosis as such known by the sturdies.

Most of the states are considering black fungus as the first step of Third wave of corona virus, and acting along the guidelines of central government.

Government orders regarding third wave in Rajasthan.



Monday, May 17, 2021

Israel-Palestine conflict:The complete story.

 Israel-Palestine conflict: 

The complete story

Israel is small country in the Middle East Asia, located on the eastern water of the Mediterranean Sea and share boundary with Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. The country of Israel with a population of more than 8.8 million people, mostly Jewish persons ,has many important archaeological and religious sites considered sacred by 3 religions Jews, Muslims (3rd most sacred site) and Christians(Birth place of Jesus), and a complex history with periods of peace and frequent conflicts. To understand the scenario of Israel and palatine conflict the key episode is Balfour Declaration. 

The Balfour Declaration:

From 1517 to 1917, along with much of the Middle East, Israel was ruled by the Ottoman Empire. But World War I dramatically influenced the geopolitics of the Middle East. In 1917, in the duration of ongoing war, British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour submitted a letter of intent acknowledging the need of establishing  a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

When World War I ended in 1918 with an Allied victory, the 400-year Ottoman Empire rule ended, and Great Britain took control over the region what became known as Palestine (modern-day Israel, Palestine and Jordan).The Balfour Declaration and the British mandate regarding Palestine were approved by the League of Nations in 1922. Arabs world opposed the Balfour Declaration, concerned that a Jewish homeland would mean the oppression of Arab Palestinians. The British controlled Palestine until Israel, in the years following the end of World War II, became an independent country in 1947.

Middle east and atrocities against Jews.

1.Arab world have repeatedly made clear their animosity toward Judaism and its followers. For example, on November, 1937, Saudi Arabia’s King Ibn Saud told British Colonel H.R.P. Dickson: “Our hatred for the Jews dates back from God’s condemnation of them for their persecution and rejection of Isa (Jesus) and their subsequent rejection of His chosen Prophet.” He added “that for a Muslim to kill a Jew, or for him to be killed by a Jew ensures him an immediate entry into Heaven and into the august presence of God Almighty.”

2.When Hitler introduced the Nuremberg racial laws in 1935, he received telegrams congratulating and appreciating racial laws from all corners of the Arab world. Later, during the war, one of his most ardent supporters was the Mufti of Jerusalem.

3.Jews were never permitted to live in Jordan according to Civil Law No.6, which governed the Jordanian-occupied West Bank, states: “Any man will be a citizen of Jordan subject if he is not Jewish.”

4.After the Six-Day War in 1967, the Israelis found public school textbooks that had been used to educate Arab children in the region of West Bank. They were surplus with racist and hateful portrayals of Jews.

5.Muhammad, the founder of Islam religion, traveled to Medina in 622 A.D. to add followers to his new faith. When the Jews residents of Medina refused to recognize Muhammad as their Prophet. In 627, Muhammad’s followers killed  600 to 900 of the Jewish men, and divided their surviving Jewish women and children amongst them.

6.Jews in Muslim lands lived thrived culturally and economically. But position of the Jews was never secure, however, and changes in the political or social struggle would often lead to persecution, violence and death.

7. On December 30, 1066, Joseph Hanagid, the Jewish vizier of Granada, Spain, was crucified by an angry Arab mob that proceeded to raze the Jewish quarter of the city and slaughter its 5,000 residents. The riot was incited by Muslim preachers who had angrily objected to what they said as an inordinate Jewish political power.

8.Similarly, in 1465, Arab mobs in Fez beheaded thousands of Jews, only 11 left alive, after a Jewish deputy vizier treated a Muslim woman in “an offensive manner.” The killings propagated in a wave of similar massacres throughout Morocco.

The Zionism Movement

.An organized religious and political movement known as Zionism emerged among Jews in late 19th century. Zionists wanted to reinstall a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Massive numbers of Jews immigrated to the ancient holy land and bought land from Arabs and built settlements. Between 1882 and 1903, approximately 35,000 Jews relocated to Palestine. Another 40,000 settled till 1914.

Many Jews family living in Europe and around the world, fearing persecution during the Nazi reign, found refuge in Palestine and embraced Zionism. After the Holocaust and World War II came to ended, members of the Zionist movement mainly focused on creating an independent Jewish state.

Arabs in Palestine opposed the Zionism movement, and tensions between the two groups continued. An Arab nationalist movement developed as a confrontation.

Israeli Independence:

The United Nations approved a plan of splitting Palestine into a Jewish and Arab state in 1947, but the Arabs rejected it strongly.

In May 1948, Israel was finally and officially declared an independent state with David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish population, as the prime minister.

As this historic event seemed to be a victory for Jews, it also marked the beginning of more conflicts and violence with the Arabs.

Wars and acts of violence between Arabs and Jews since the 1948

Following the announcement of an independent country Israel for Jews people, five Arab nations Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon immediately attacked and invaded the region in what became known as the 1948 Arab-Israel War.

Civil war waved throughout Israel, but a cease-fire agreement was reached in 1949. As part of the temporary agreement, the West Bank became part of Jordan, and the Gaza Strip became Egyptian territory.

Suez Crisis: In 1956, Egyptian president G. Abdel Nasser overtook control and nationalized the Suez Canal, the important shipping waterway that connects the Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea. With the help of British and French forces, Israel then attacked the Sinai Peninsula and retook control over the Suez Canal. 

Six-Day War: A surprise attack by Israel in 1967 defeated Egypt, Jordan and Syria in six days. After this short duration war, Israel took control of the Gaza Strip, Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank, and Golan Heights. These land considered “occupied” by Israel.

Yom Kippur War: In hope trap the Israeli army off guard, in 1973 Egypt and Syria launched air strikes on Israel on the Holy Day of Yom Kippur. The fighting went on for as long as two weeks, until the UN tabled a resolution to stop the war. Syria hope of recapturing the Golan Heights during this battle was unsuccessful. In 1981, Israel won the Golan Heights, but Syria continued to claim it as territory.

Lebanon War: In 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon and defeated the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). 

First Palestinian Intifada: Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank led to a 1987 Palestinian uprising and hundreds of deaths. A peace Accord, known as the Oslo Peace Accords, ended the violence. After this, the Palestinian government got some territories in Israel. In 1997, the Israeli army then withdrew from some parts of the West Bank.

Second Palestinian Intifada: Palestinians used suicide bombs and other attacks on Israelis in 2000. This violence lasted for years, until a cease-fire was reached. Israel announced a plan to remove all troops and Jewish residents from the Gaza strip by the end of 2005.

Second Lebanon War: Israel went to war with Hezbollah a radical Islamic militant group in Lebanon in 2006. A UN-negotiated ceasefire ended the conflict a couple of months of its occurrence.

Hamas Wars: Israel has been involved in repeated violence with Hamas, a radical Sunni Islamist militant group that assumed Palestinian power in 2006. Some of the more noticeable conflicts took place  in 2008, 2012, 2014 and 2021.


Israel Today

Clashes between Israel and Palestine are still common. Key territories of land are divided, but some are claimed by both groups. For instance, they both cite Jerusalem as their capital. Both states blame each other for terror attacks that kill civilians. 


History of Ancient Israel: Oxford Research Encyclopedias.

Creation of Israel, 1948: Office of the Historian, U.S. Department of State.

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948: Office of the Historian, U.S. Department of State.

History of Israel: Key events: BBC.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Harshad Mehta scam 1992

Harshad Mehta:

The Big Bull of Stock Market.

Harshad Mehta was born on 29 July of 1954 at lower middle class, Rajkot district, in a Gujarati Jain family. His father name was Shantilal Mehta a small-time textile businessman His early childhood was spent in Kandivali. Later, the family moved to RaipurMadhya Pradesh (current Chhattisgarh). A cricket enthusiast, Harshad then came to Mumbai after his schooling for further studies and to find work. Harshad completed his B.Com in 1976 from Lala Lajpat Rai College, Mumbai and worked a number of different jobs for his next eight years. 

In the early 1980s, he went for an amateur clerical job at the brokerage firm, where he worked in a jobber profile for the broker Prasann Pranjivandas Broker who he considered his teacher. Over a tenure of ten years, in 1980, he served in positions of increasing responsibility in different brokerage firms. By 1990, he had risen to a position of eminence in the Indian money market, along within the media such as “Big Bull” and famous Business today magazine titled him as "Amitabh Bachchan" of the stock market. 

Harshad came into light when a journalist name Sucheta Dalal brought SBI inside story of 500 crores irregularities in her news article for the first time. From where the unboxing of India's biggest financial scam came into lime light. 

Grow More Research and Asset Management, with his financial assistance of many associates, when the Bombay stock exchange auctioned a broker's card. He actively started to trade as a trader in 1986.From where there was no looking back for him. Then he made a rise of nearly quadruple the Bombay Stock Exchange's Sensitive Index within a year to 4,387 point by April 1992, a steak since-thankfully-unmatched with the help of his money and his investors. Mehta took his selected stocks-which were shares of ACC Ltd, Apollo Tyres, Reliance Industries and his own Mazda Industries-along for the steak. The value of his personal holding rose by ten times during the period to an estimated Rs 2,000 crore. It was more than a tenth of the country's security budget for 1992-93.  In that time Harshad heavily benefited his investors by giving them 35-37% profit on their investment. This act made him the most trusted broker of the BSE. 

His dominance then began to tumble. In April, an internal State Bank of India (SBI) scrutiny found the bank was missing short by Rs 500 crore that Harshad owed them. He had 'borrowed' it from SBI on promises of providing Bank receipt from Punjab national this transaction period he uses this money which was issued on his name to fuel his play in the stock market as he does for past sort of time with different time, but this time A brokers' strike in BSE between brokers and BSE, market closure for several days prevented Harshad from cashing in stocks to repay the bank. The leaked to Times of India. 

Credit must go to a hard-penned bold article in The Times of India of April 23, 1992. Their source mentioned that Mehta had been asked by State Bank of India, the country's biggest bank, to "square up" Rs 500 crore transection, a massive sum for that time. Mehta then stood accused by the CBI of conspiracy, criminal breach of trust, and cheating under provisions of IPC. The money involved in the fraud was estimated to be Rs 5,000 crore to Rs 6,000 crore. 

As Times of India and other media publications, including Indian Express and India Today followed up that transection system,helped discovering my dimensions that earned the appreciation of even Wall Street's hardened loophole and also in banking system. Mehta wasn't the only broker in the game, tempering the securities market to manipulate stock prices. Further investigation suggested SBI wasn't the only bank in the role. Several banks including SBI were fully in the game of using BRs to leverage ever greater amounts and using these into quick loans and 'short-selling' bonds to buy them back at lower rates, looking to make profit.  

Being upset from his political colleagues in Delhi, who sided him at the time he needed them most, on the suggestion of his famous lawyer Ram Jethmalani went to host a live press conference where he reveled that PM P.V. Narsimha Rao have taken 1 crore as a token of political support to the government for 1991 election from him. And in return have supported in his dealings. Due to these statement finance minister Yashwant Sinha reigned. 

Later on, he was convicted to 5-year jail by judiciary of country. On day of 31 December 2001, Harshad Mehta was undergoing a criminal custody in the Thane prison complained of chest pain late at night and was then admitted to Thane Civil Hospital were died following a brief heart ailment, at the age of 47 

Harshad Shantilal Mehta and his family members were charged with 76 criminal cases with a sum of 600 civil suits. Shortly after Mehta died in Tihar jail, all criminal cases against him were lessened but a sizeable number of civil suits to recover dues from the family remain unscathed. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Narendra Modi:A tale of india longest ruling head of state.

 A tale of india longest ruling head of state:

Narendra Modi

Narendra Damodardas modi was born on September 17, 1950 in a lower middle class family of grocery sellers in Vadnagar India. He has successfully proved that success has nothing to do with caste, greed and the place you come from, He is the only prime minister of India whose mother was alive when he sworn as prime minister of country .He is one of the politician who rose from a negligible RSS volunteer to prime minister of country and also achieved the title of longest serving Indian head of state.

Early life and career:

The origination of modi starts in a small town in northern Gujarat, in his early childhood use to sell tea at railway station with his father, later he completed his M.A. degree in political science from gujarat university ,Ahmedabad. Then he joined a proficient Hindu organisation Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh(RSS) in early 1970.After then modi rose steadily in RSS hierarchy .

Modi became a part of BJP in 1987, and year later he got the honour to be the general secretary of Gujarat branch of party and later proved himself efficient by strengthening the party in succeeding years. As a result in 1990 modi was one of the BJP members who participated in the coalition government. In year 1995 general elections he helped BJP to achieve the milestone by forming first ever BJP controlled government in India, however the government was short lived and ended in 1996.

In 1995 Narendra modi was made the secretary of the BJP National organization in New Delhi, and following which he was made general secretary and worked for three year at this position.

After then in february 2002 entered in first time electoral contest and won a seat in Gujarat state assembly and was made chief minister of Gujarat.

Modi politics came in controversy on the morning of 27 Feb. 2002 when a group of Muslim burned a train couch whose all the seats were occupied by 59 Hindu devotees (karsevak) coming back from Ayodhya, the Muslim mob attacked the couch with quilt dipped in kerosene thrown on them in Sabarmati Express train near the Godhra railway station in the Indian state of Gujarat. All the pilgrims were burned live came to know as infamous Godhra kand.

This inhumane deed sparked anger in hindu community of Gujarat as a result communal riot started in all over Gujarat .to maintain the law and order of state modi wrote to the chief minister of neighboring states of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh,which was then ruled by congress but they refused to send their police forces due to antagonist politics and congress touched  height of hypocrisy  when they blamed modi for ineffective steps, modi was accused for not talking proper steps to stop riots. As a result modi was refused diplomatic visa by United States accusing him of riots. This matter then reached to the supreme court and after investigation he got clear chit from the supreme court of India.

Modi continued to mark milestone by repeated political success in Gujrat and became an indispensable leader in BJP hierarchy .In 2002 under modi lead BJP secured 127 out of 182,projecting a very famous manifesto for growth and development  in gujrat,Again BJP won election in 2007 with 117 seats,and in 2012 with seats 2012,within this years Gujrat become development model with the tremendous development in the state,soon this gujrat model was hot topic for discussion at national level as well as international level.the hard work modi added few more stars in this leadership as great leader and he was given credit for rapid growth of the state’s economy. In addition,to this his party’s electoral performances helped lift Modi’s position as not only the most-influential leadership  in the party but also a potential candidate for prime minister of India. In June 2013 Modi was chosen the leader for the BJP’s campaign for the 2014 elections to the Lok Sabha.

The economic reforms by modi were sweeping, introducing structural changes—and temporary disruptions—that could be felt nationwide. Among the most daring and  far-reaching was the demonetization and replacement of 500- and 1,000-rupee banknotes with only a few hours’ notice. The purpose was to stop “black money”—cash used for illegal and anti national  activities—by making it difficult to exchange large sums of cash. The following year the government centralized the consumption tax system and introduced the Goods and Services Tax (GST). GDP growth slowed from these changes, though growth had already been high (8.2 percent in 2015), and the reforms succeeded in expanding the government’s tax base.

Narendra Modi was again sworn-in as India's Prime Minister on 30 May, 2019, for the second term. He is a personality of motivation who rose from a poverty-stricken tea-selling boy to a hardworking development-oriented leader. 

Modi touched the heart and gained his life time high respect by all nationalist citizens of country on the day of 5th August 2019 when home minister Amit shah revoked article 370 in parliament with huge supporting the parliament by a presidential order. This was a issue of great importance for BJP from 1953 when their founder leaders Shyama Prasad Mukharjee marched to lal chowk of Kashmir to host national flag according to him their can’t be 2 constitution in a single nation. From then BJP had this demand of abrogation of article 370 from J&K in their manifesto and on 5 august they kept their promise to the country. 


Ø  He was named as the best Chief Minister in the country in 2007 by india today magazine.

Ø  In 2009, FDI magazine honoured him the Asian Winner of the 'FDI Personality of the Year award.

Ø  He was featured on the cover page in March 2012 by TIME's Asian edition.

Ø  'World's Most Powerful People' in 2014, he ranked at 15 by Forbes magazine's.

Ø  In 2014, 2015 and 2017, he was listed in ‘ 100 most influential people in the world’ by Time magazine.

Ø  He was awarded ‘Indian of the Year’ by CNN-IBN news network In 2014.

Ø  Time Magazine in 2015 released '30 most influential people on the internet ‘list and he was named as the second most-followed politician on social media.

Ø  In 2015, he was ranked as 13th-Most-Influential Person in the World by Bloomberg Markets Magazine.

Ø  In 2015, Modi was ranked fifth on Fortune Magazine's annual list of the "World's Greatest Leaders".

Ø  A wax statue of Modi was placed at Madame Tussaud Wax Museum in London in 2016.

Ø  In 2016 PM he was conferred with the’ Amir Amanullah Khan Award’, the highest civilian honour of Afghanistan.

Ø  In April 2016, modi was conferred with the Saudi Arabia's highest civilian honour 'King Abdulaziz Sash' by King Salman bin Abdulaziz.

Ø  In 2017, the Gallup International Association (GIA) conducted a poll and ranked him as  the third top leader of the world.

Ø  According to 2018 statistics he is the third most followed head head of country on Twitter and the topmost followed world leader on Facebook and Instagram.

Ø  Modi ranked 9th in Forbes World's Most Powerful People list 2018.

Ø  In October 2018,he received UN's highest environmental award, the 'Champions of the Earth' for policy leadership by “pioneering works in championing” the International Solar Alliance and “new areas of levels of cooperation on environmental action”.

Ø  Modi was conferred with the Seoul Peace Prize in 2018 for improving international cooperation, raising global economic growth, accelerating the Human Development of the people of India by fostering the economic growth etc .Also he is the first Indian to win this award.

Ø  On 10 February, Modi was honoured with a Grand Collar of the State of Palestine; the highest civilian honour of Palestine for foreign dignitaries.

Ø  The first Philips Kotler presidential Award is also received by him in 2019.

Ø  In  2019, PM Narendra Modi, a biographic film starring Vivek Oberoi was released.

Ø  On 4 April, 2019, UAE President Sheikh Khalifa bin Al Nahyan has conferred on Indian PM Narendra Modi, the Zayed Medal, the highest decorated awarded to kings, presidents and heads of the states. He received the honour in appreciation of his efforts in maintaining strategic ties and allies with UAE.


Third wave of COVID-19 in India and the Black fungus.

  Third wave of COVID-19 in India: And the Black fungus. The nation's ability to deal with a crisis is totally dependent on the far sigh...