Sunday, September 20, 2020

Kashmir conflict

 Kashmir Conflict:

A complete story

The story of Kashmir conflict start from the " instrument of accession". During partition, Jammu and Kashmir was given the selection to hitch either India or Pakistan but Maharaja Hari Singh, the ruler of that time, decided to remain it as an independent state.

In 1947, Pakistani Pashtun tribes with 
the help of Pakistani army attacked Jammu and Kashmir. To tackle this case, Maharaja Hari Singh sought military help from the then Indian Governor-General Mountbatten.

The maharaja asked for help from India, who answered that Kashmir needed to be 
an element of India to receive military aid.

Following this, Maharaja Hari Singh signed the famous Instrument of Accession at Amar Palace in Jammu on October 26, which India's last Governor-General Lord Mountbatten accepted on October 27.

After this, the Indian army, aided by National Conference volunteers, drove out the Pakistanis. The resulting war lasted until 1948, but before Indian could free 
the entire J&K statesman visited UN and asked to intervene, which put into effect a plebiscite.

As per UN only condition was that both states were speculated to not intervene during the plebiscite, and India withdrew its troops, but Pakistan didn’t. The conditions of the plebiscite weren't complied with, thus India re-entered militarily again, and there became a standoff. At a trial to peace, the United Sates and also the Soviet Union, both hosted ceasefire negotiations. Pakistan, worried about the shortage of war supplies, accepted the ceasefire readily. India, on the alternative hand, was more critical the ceasefire, but finally ceded to itdue to the growing diplomatic pressure from other countries.



A major insurgency came into light when JKLF(jammu kashmir liberation front) a islamic separatist organisation based in Pak occupied kashmir to urge more hold on kashmir tried to change the demography of the region ,The hindu of the kashmir valley were forced to flee the kashmir valley as a results of being targeted by JKLF and islamic insurgent during late 1989-1990. Of approx. 600000 hindu left kashmir valley and thousand brutally murdered ,also hindu women faced physical humiliation and this lac of hindu population were forced to live as a lifetime refugee in Jammu and neighbouring states till date.

A recent historic development came in .It was on August 5, 2019, that Prime minister Narendra Modi “crushed Pakistan-sponsored terrorism and unrest” in Jammu and Kashmir (J and K) and integrated the Muslim-majority area more firmly with India by abolishing Art 370 and 35A of the Indian constitution. The said articles had given the disputed area some autonomy in law making and administration, not enjoyed by other Indian States.

But on August 5, 2019, Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh were empty “Statehood” and made Union Territories instead, to make them centrally administered territories. the complete country tomtom these actions because the annihilation of Islamic separatism and terrorism and celebrate the day annually.


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